This year has been a journey, bright and true,
with growth and learning, thanks to you.
To clients, partners, and those we’ve taught;
your trust and care mean more than you thought.
Together we’ve built, created, and grown,
seeds of success so beautifully sown.
As the year now turns to something new,
we look ahead, inspired by you.
So, thank you all for the paths we’ve crossed,
for every win and lesson, not lost.
May your holidays be filled with cheer,
and bring you joy throughout the year!
from all of us at Coachutbildning Sverige ✨❤️
Vi vill också passa på att tipsa om vår (h)julkalender på LinkedIn. Under advent har vi varje dag publicerat ett coachverktyg i hjulform, fritt för dig att använda tillsammans med dina klienter.