Coaching news in English

jun 19, 2023

We want to thank you for this semester, share some news with you, and wish you a wonderful summer!

Coaching Research Papers
Jonathan Passmore is very productive with research and doing meta-studies on other people’s research on coaching. Here you can find his latest articles and papers.

The Coach Training Program in English
Do you want to become a better coach? In October The Coach Training Program in Stockholm starts again. The attendees in the programs often work as managers, HR-specialists, consultants, entrepreneurs – as employed or self-employed. They all have in common that they are dedicated to make people grow, create development and make change happen. The program is now Level 1 accredited by International Coaching Federation!

Trainings in Swedish

If you want Coach training in Swedish you are welcome to Coachutbildningen. If you already are a coach and want more skills and tools you are welcome to the trainings CBT tools for coaches or Team-and Group coaching (both in Swedish for the moment).

Do you want more news from the coaching world?
Welcome to join us on LinkedIn.